Phenomenology of Truth

29 min. video. 2008

He is a Warsaw philosophy professor, author of “Phenomenology of Truth”, the book explaining it all. She is a Japanese performer obsessed with his theory. Will their meeting fulfill her dreams?


 Philosophy Festival – Olsztyn, Poland

– Japan Days, Warsaw University

– UKSW (Warsaw Catholic University) 

– Bochenska Gallery, Warsaw
  Honorary Patronage Embassy of Japan in Poland 

– Manggha, the Museum of Japanese Art and  
  Technology, Cracow  

I liked this film a lot.  It is witty, warm but also provocative (…)  It asks if the East-West dialog is possible and if so how.  It excellently shows the problem of the “surface of things. (…) To me, I am saying this a a practitioner, this film could be a very good illustration of how East and West can communicate with each other.

–  Bogna Dziechciaruk-Maj, the director of Manggha, the Musuem of Japanese Art and Technology in Cracow.
more from the post premiere discussion published in philosophical quoterly “Melee”(excerpts here)


Krzysztof Janczar and Sakiko Yamaoka

written, directed, photographed, edited
by Pawel Kuczynski

post production supervisor
Piotr Rejmer

Cesar Franck, Symphony D-Moll
performed byThe Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Raymond Leppard conductor.  
Used with permission from M.A.T. Music Theme Licensing GmbH, Hamburg

Krzysztof Janczar as prof. Feliks Lewinski,
Sakiko Yamaoka as The Performer